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Sailing Experience.
I started sailing as as teenager. Mostly lake
and harbor sailing, but I did learn some sailing in Nova Scotia at
16. I probably have 15,000 sea miles under sail, I hope to triple
that over the next 10 years. Headed off for the Bahamas in November 1999 with my friend Elaine, she got a bit overwhelmed with the trip on my 31ft Grampian sailboat. That trip convinced her we needed a BIGGER boat.
Pirate aka " The redhead "
A 1965 vintage 31ft Grampian cutter, she's a classic. I found her covered in pine straw and dirt in someone's backyard. With lots of hard work we did our best to restore her to her former glory. We have 1000's of hours of sweat in this boat, too bad she's just too small. I'll keep her if I can.
Poc Ma Hon
A 37ft Endeavour sailboat, she's much bigger.
Do you like her name? It's old Irish for 'kiss my ass'. In her previous life she was a charter boat in along the Atlantic coast, the Keys, and the Bahamas. She's got hot water for a showers, A/C for when it's hot, lots of teak that needs attention, and lots of other work too... she's a boat after all.
Working on the boat?
You bet ya, is anyone ever through working on boats? Unlike with the red head, with Poc Ma Hon we took 'before' pictures. It may be a while until the 'after' pictures are here.. we're working on it. Click here to see our before pictures.
Trip to the Bahamas
Elaine chickened out :-( So we spent 2 weeks on the intercoastal waterway around Hilton Head and Beaufort (a great marina and town), even got down to Savannah, before heading for home in Charleston. It was a fun trip, can't wait to go again.
Webmaster: Ron Magliacane
Last update: March 12, 2001