Ron's Dog Page





Sailing Pictures

Bird Pictures

Cat Pictures


Dog's in my life.

I guess most people have had dogs at some time in their life. I can remember dogs as early as age 5 or 6. I never did any training with dogs in the past other than the very basic obedience stuff, sit, stay, down, or come. I got interested in getting more involved with training since I met my friend Elaine back in 1997. She took me to an agility trial and obedience shows, she got me started. I've had all americans ( Heinz 57 ) dogs, German Shepherd dogs, Irish Setters, Cocker Spaniels, and I now have the ultimate training challenge for dogs. Three , yes three, Jack Russell Terriers. They coexist with another JRT, an Australian Shepherd, and a Border Collie. 6 dogs here, not many solicitors knocking at the front door. My friend and mentor in the dog world, Elaine got me into this, and Laura Miller in Atlanta got me started with JRT's. I owe them a lot.  



Crispin is my friend Elaines  Border Collie, her most titled dog ever. He was the first dog she trained that actually placed at a Regional Obedience Championship. Crispin is retired now, keeping watch over the younger crew.


Willowbrook's Ready Aim Fire

Fire, Elaine's Aussie, while not yet titled (could it be his mom's fault?) is doing quite well in agility. She has high hopes for this young dog.

Stonewall JacksonStoney

Stoney is Elaines first Jack Russell Terrier to train. He has been a fun, and challenging dog. His first show was March 10th here in Charleston, S.C., he took 2nd place in the Gamblers class.



Beau is my first JRT. Beau and I lived on my old sailboat together for a long time, he still likes his alone time with me. Beau isn't fooled into doing anything Beau doesn't want to do. Therefore, Beau will probably never be shown, he's a smart dog, too smart for us :-) He's great with kids and puppies.


Robert E. Lee

Bobbie (do you notice a trend in southern generals?)is our rescued JRT. I started working with him 4 months ago and he is quick to learn. I plan for Bobbie to make his debut in agility at our next local trial in October of 2001. He catches on so quickly.

Just Jill

Just Jill

We've got a Jack named Jill, aka "the Princess". There is nothing in this world like a Jack Russell puppy, she'll make you tired just watching her. She is the only female in a house with 5 males, should be interesting when they all get together. Look for her in the agility ring circa 2002. Pictures are at the practice jump here at the LCDA Grand Prix Regional Qualifier in Charleston on 3/11/2001 taking her first jump at the tender age of 8 weeks.

Webmaster:Ron Magliacane                            Last update: March 18, 2001
